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Bud Of Joy Artisan . Wholegrains . Organic

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71 Circuit Road, #01-31, S370071

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Bud Of Joy > News Releases > Chef Lim Her-Yi demonstrates how to make healthier Snowskin Mooncakes

Chef Lim Her-Yi demonstrates how to make healthier Snowskin Mooncakes

SINGAPORE, September 19, 2018 - When you celebrate mid-autumn festival in Singapore, you might think of children playing with lanterns and everyone coming together to eat mooncakes!

In an increasingly health conscious society, how might we create mooncakes that are healthier?
Not only is it possible to make mooncakes without the use of sugar, it is also possible to make mooncakes that are gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free and vegan! And taste good too!

For those of you who are interested to make your own,
you can catch a live demonstration on MediaCorp Channel 8 (19 September 2018):

Click to Watch on MediaCorp Channel 8's YouTube Channel

Would you like to get a hands-on experience?
To those who are interested in learning to bake from scratch using pure ingredients, Bud Of Joy also offers baking workshops. These range from short two hour sessions to half-day courses where participants get to learn and create their very own baked delights. Parent-child workshops are also offered to those who would like to have a fun time baking with their children and bringing home healthy baked goods. Not only mooncakes, but a whole variety of other healthier baked goods.

About Bud Of Joy
An artisan, organic bakery providing premium baked goods designed to bring health back into food.
Address: 71 Circuit Road, #01-31, Singapore 370071
Website: https://budofjoy.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/budofjoy

The bakery is open Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 12noon to 5pm.
It is closed on Sundays, Mondays and public holidays.

Press Release: The Ingredient List Reveals Many Secrets

Bud Of Joy > News Releases > Chef Lim Her-Yi demonstrates how to make healthier Snowskin Mooncakes